
MADISON: The year 2010 was a breakthrough year for cannabis in Wisconsin. While the year began with medical cannabis legislation that ultimately failed to pass, efforts to support the bill helped lay the base for new heights in cannabis activism that saw major media coverage, statewide events and the formation of new alliances and groups dedicated to changing cannabis laws. In between were many developments including elections that on one hand brought Wisconsin two historic medical cannabis electoral wins, but on the other saw a reshuffling of state government that ousted allies and elevated opponents to powerful positions.

In early January 2010, despite a successful 8 plus hour hearing on Dec. 15, 2009, doubts about passage were already being circulated: “Eye on the Jacki Rickert MMJ Act: The great disconnect?”

Despite the disappointing vibes being projected by the Democratic leadership (who were later defeated by voters in November), state medical cannabis advocates did not lessen their efforts, ending January with a large fundraiser at Madison’s High Noon Saloon and a Lobby Day and Memorial for patient-activist Mary Powers at the State Capitol.

In February and March, as Capitol sources continued to indicate soft support for the JRMMA, state activists took their efforts to levels never seen before.

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