
Movement Grows to Legalize Pot in Wisconsin

by Michele McCormack
by Elizabeth Fay

Story Created: Nov 8, 2012 at 5:39 PM CST

Story Updated: Nov 8, 2012


SE Wisconsin NORML Logo

Southeastern Wisconsin NORML

MILWAUKEE—A Pro-legalization group believes the recent decisions in Colorado and Washington are re-igniting the push for pot to be legalized in Wisconsin.


Members plan to fast track legislation that would legalize it for medical purposes first, opening the door to recreational use as well.


I believe it’s only a matter of time before it ends up spreading to the rest of the country,” Eric Marsch of Southeastern Wisconsin’s NORML organization told CBS 58′s Elizabeth Fay.


Barbara Notestein of the Safe & Sound organization has the completely opposite view.


In terms of how people would learn and work and behave,” Nostein says, “I don’t think it would have a positive impact.

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