We wanted to pass on a recent a post from the Wisconsin NORML and Madison NORML Facebook Groups regarding pending medical marijuana legislation for Wisconsin. Remember, it is not only important to communicate with your lobbying organizations, but consistent and constant communication with your individual State Senator and State Assembly Representative on the issue of support for medical marijuana is needed. If you are not sure who represents you, please use the Wisconsin Legislator Search Engine on the Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Network at www.WisCan.org/who.
The Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Network
Here is the post from NORML Greg:
WiNORML and Madison NORML are calling for all additions to last sessions MMJ Bill to be handed off to Rep. Taylor this week for writing. All additions, requests, comments must be forwarded to normlgreg@gmail.com by Thursday 5pm. I will be taking these additions to Rep Taylors office on Friday. This is the LAST CALL for thoughts or additions for the upcoming MMJ Bill which should be released after a budget is passed. Have a good day and remember to take care of fellow MMJ patients along your way, you just may be one yourself someday ;o)