
commercial hemp

At a recent meeting we discussed a new online forum “The Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Network” ( and we urge each of you to visit the site, join and assist with the development.  Additional thought and input was giving by many in the thought process, but as many forum users know, the content and discussions that an online community produce truly shape the form of the forum and directly assist in the growth of the site.  We hope this site grows and would love to see a strong NORML showing on the forum! The Welcome Statement for the Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Network:

I would like to start off by thanking you for stopping by, this website is being developed to assist the Wisconsin Cannabis community by creating a single location to share ideas, create events or just chat. By creating a single location hopefully we can work together to establish a centralized archive of data to share amongst each other to use to educate and inform the public. So take a moment, register and start helping to build this community.

The introduction thread from the creator of

Hi, I’m Erik. Forums have been my hobby for over 10 years and I figured this site would be one of my contributions to the Cannabis community.

I’m an electrician by trade and in my spare time I like motorcycle riding/camping, bicycle riding, forum development and playing with my granddaughter.

I have serious illness in my family that would benefit from Cannabis and at the very least would like to see Cannabis legalized for medicinal use but would prefer legalization for all adults.


“Together Wisconsin Can!” and we totally agree!  We hope to see you out the forum threading away, at legislators listening sessions, attending meetings, helping with events, as well as in the field…because Together We Can!  Thank you again Erik for you donation to our cause, it is greatly appreciated!

Please visit for more information.

Wisconsin Statewide NORML meeting dates for November 2011:


1. November 7th (Monday) 7-8:30pm Southeastern Wisconsin NORML meeting.  Location: Brewing Grounds for Change Cafe located at 2008 N. Farwell Ave in Milwaukee, WI.


2. November 8th (Tuesday) 6:30pm – 9:30pm Ibogaine for addiction treatment with Dana Beal in Madison.  Daisy Cafe & Cupcakery, 2827 Atwood Avenue
Madison, WI 53704.  (Facebook Event)


3. November 9th (Wednesday) 4:00pm – 5:30pm Traveling Outreach Meeting in Wausau by Northern Wisconsin NORML, guests and local activists.


4.  November 10th (Thursday) 15th, 4:20-7:00pm Northern Wisconsin NORML Meeting. Location:  Harmony Cafe, 233 E. College Ave, Appleton, WI 54911.


5. November 14th (Monday) 7:00-9:00pm Madison NORML meeting.  Location: Wil Mar Center Youth Room in basement 7-9pm, Wil Mar Center 953 Jenifer St. Madison, WI 53703.


6. November 15th (Tuesday) 6:00-8:00pm NORML Meeting in Kendall Wisconsin.  Location: Wood Pipes Smoke Shoppe & Speak Easy 112 West South Railroad Street Kendall WI 54638.


7. November 17th (Thursday) 7:00-8:30pm Eau Claire NORML Meeting. Location: Jacob & Lisa Sieg’s Home, 3007 Crescent Avenue, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.


8. November 21st  (Monday) 7-8:30pm Southeastern Wisconsin NORML meeting.  Location: Brewing Grounds for Change Cafe located at 2008 N. Farwell Ave in Milwaukee, WI


9. November 28th (Monday) 7:00-9:00pm Madison NORML meeting.  Location: Wil Mar Center Youth Room in basement 7-9pm, Wil Mar Center 953 Jenifer St. Madison, WI 53703.


Wisconsin Medical Cannabis Activists are ready for the 2011-2012 Medical Cannabis Act.  The crew at Northern Wisconsin NORML announced on their blog they are starting to tour the state…THC Tour style!


Pencil in the date, Wed November 9th, 2011 at the Marathon County Public Library (MCPL) in Wausau. What time? 4:20!


More info TBA! LEAP into action today!


Facebook Event


This event is planned to be free to the general public and no membership will be required to attend.


‎This event is not sponsored by the Marathon County Public Library and is only the location for the meeting.


To assist with this event or to become more active with Northern Wisconsin NORML, please visit or contact the organization by email:, thank you.

1) Monday October 10th 7:00-9:00pm Madison NORML meeting.  Location: Wil Mar Center Youth Room in basement 7-9pm, Wil Mar Center 953 Jenifer St. Madison, WI 53703.


2) Monday October 10th 7:00-9:00pm Southeastern Wisconsin NORML meeting.  Location: Brewing Grounds for Change Cafe located at 2008 N. Farwell Ave in Milwaukee, WI


3) Tuesday October 11th 4:20-6:00pm Northern Wisconsin NORML Meeting in downtown Oshkosh, Wisconsin.  Location: Silica Styles, 703 N Main St, Oshkosh, Wisconsin

4) Thursday October 13th, 4:20-6:30pm Northern Wisconsin NORML Meeting. Location:  Harmony Cafe, 233 E. College Ave, Appleton, WI 54911 (NOTE: Northern Wisconsin NORML meeting is immediately followed by “Coffee with Penny from 6-7:30pm” hosted by State Assembly Representative Penny Bernard-Schaber.

5) Saturday October 15th, starting at 7:00pm Monthly Meeting / New Chapter Exploration at Wood Pipes Smoke Shoppe in Beautiful Downtown Kendall Wisconsin.