
commercial hemp

The Northern Wisconsin NORML Chapter meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month for food, fellowship and public meeting.


Check the calendar of events often for updates, things to bring to the meeting and to confirm agendas.  The next event of Northern Wisconsin NORML is an Industrial Hemp Booth at the Answers to Energy Fair on Saturday March 10th.

From 4:20pm to 5:30pm the chapter board of directors, along with members and supporters enjoy fellowship as an informal group gathering together prior to our meeting. The meeting location is the Harmony Cafe, 233 E College Ave in Appleton, which has food and beverages available for sale.


At 5:30pm the chapter begins the general meeting, which usually lasts until 7:00pm, sometimes finishing early, but they have the room reserved up till 8pm just in case.


Meetings are open to the general public and you are not required to a be a member to attend. Meetings are also broadcast over the Internet via Google + Hangouts!


The chapter will post the link once live on the Northern Wisconsin NORML Facebook Page.

It is ‘Marijuana Monday’ in Wisconsin with NORML meetings being held in Milwaukee and Madison on Monday February 27th.

February 27th (Monday) 7-8:30pm Southeastern Wisconsin NORML meeting.  Location: Brewing Grounds for Change Cafe located at 2008 N. Farwell Ave in Milwaukee, WI.

February 27th (Monday) 7:00-9:00pm Madison NORML meeting.  Location: Wil Mar Center Youth Room in basement 7-9pm, Wil Mar Center 953 Jenifer St. Madison, WI 53703.


Stay informed of future meetings dates and more on the Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Network (WisCan) at

Northern Wisconsin NORML meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


Check the calendar of events often for updates, things to bring to the meeting and to confirm agendas.


From 4:20pm to 5:30pm the chapter enjoys fellowship as an informal group of supporters gathering together prior to the meeting. They meet at the Harmony Cafe, 233 E College Ave in Appleton, which has food and beverages available for sale.


At 5:30pm the general meeting begins, which is accepted to last until 7:00pm, sometimes finishing early, but the room is reserved up until 8pm.


(Keep in mind that State Assembly Rep Penny Bernard Schaber also has an informal listening session called “Coffee with Penny” that begins shortly after the NORML meeting begins.  Appleton Area Residents are urged check in at the NORML Meeting either before or after their discussion with their elected official.

Meetings are open to the general public and you need not a be a member to attend.  You can participate online via Google + Hangouts.

The chapter posts the link to the Google Hangout once live on the Northern Wisconsin NORML Facebook Page

The Monday, January 30th 2012, Southeastern Wisconsin NORML meeting for members, prospective members and the general public starts at 7:00PM at the Brewing Grounds for Change Cafe located at 2008 N. Farwell Ave in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Support the freedom to grow, distribute, and use industrial hemp, medical cannabis, and recreational marijuana in Wisconsin in a regulated system that ends Cannabis Prohibition. This chapter is working to reform current Wisconsin laws in all areas, however they could use some help from the citizens of Wisconsin, specifically the SE Wisconsin region.


Despite our State Motto being Forward, we are falling behind legislatively compared to our neighboring States.  Decriminalized in Minnesota, Schedule II in Iowa, and Medicinal in Michigan, our neighbors are leaving us in the dust. Right now Wisconsin has the opportunity to change that, because, the Jacki Rickert Wisconsin Medical Cannabis Bill has been introduced and is being considered by Wisconsin’s State Legislature. Please be a part of making this happen! Join the Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Network ( and get involved with making this Bill Pass for Wisconsin’s most debilitated patients!


It’s time to reclaim our freedom to make our own choices, fix our economy, help out patients, empty our over crowed prisons of non-violent cannabis offenders, end the drug related violence created by prohibition, stop the misinformation amongst the general public and restore moral integrity to our society in large part via the end of cannabis prohibition. So please, make the choice to join our meeting in Milwaukee on Monday, January 30th 2012.


Find more: Southeastern Wisconsin NORML Website and Southeastern Wisconsin NORML Facebook Page.